Throughout the 2025 legislative session, Commit to Keiki will be actively tracking bills that align with our three (3) priorities – child care and early learning, family violence prevention, and early childhood mental health. The two bills below are the priority measures that we will be advocating for this session:

Peer Support Programs (HB237/SB824): Appropriates funds for the Family Health Services Division of the Department of Health to establish and oversee peer-to-peer support programs for children from birth to age five and their families, including the establishment of two full-time equivalent (2.0 FTE) program specialist positions.

Family-Child Interaction Learning Programs (HB249): Appropriates funds for the Executive Office on Early Learning to establish and oversee new family-child interaction learning program classrooms.

Early Child Care Worker Subsidy and Bonus Program (HB238): Requires the Department of Human Services to establish and implement a child care provider subsidy and bonus program to provide subsidies to retain the existing child care workforce in licensed infant and toddler child care centers, group child care centers, and group child care homes and bonuses to registered family child care homes. Requires annual reports to the Legislature. Appropriates funds.

As the 2025 legislative session progresses, we will be sharing more about these important measures and what you can do to support. Stay tuned!