Entries by Sue Fry

Commit to Keiki – November 2023 Newsletter

In the wake of the devastating Maui wildfires, there are many local organizations that have been working tirelessly from day one to ensure that Maui’s youngest keiki and their families receive the support and resources they need. Commit to Keiki’s Maui Recovery Spotlight Series, will highlight the Maui organizations and nonprofits that are truly making a difference.

Legislative Update

The 2023 Legislature committed more than $1.2 billion in additional funds in three (3) areas related to Commit to Keiki’s priorities:

Legislative Update

The Legislature is in its final days. All bills without fiscal impact need to be filed by Thursday, April 27, and bills with fiscal impact need to be filed by Friday, April 28. Three of the measures Commit to Keiki has been tracking in the Governor’s package are still alive: