Commit to Keiki – June 2024 Newsletter

Commit to Keiki’s Maui Recovery Spotlight Series highlights local organizations and nonprofits that have been working to ensure that Maui’s youngest keiki and their families receive the support and resources they need in the wake of the devastating wildfires.

Commit to Keiki – May 2024 Newsletter

The Association for Infant Mental Health Hawaiiʻi (AIMH HI) is offering free confidential infant and early childhood mental health consultation services for statewide providers who are serving keiki impacted by the Maui wildfires.

Commit to Keiki – April 2024 Newsletter

Keiki O Ka ʻĀina Family Learning Centers | Q&A with Me’ja Kaniho, Program Director, Keiki O Ka ʻĀina He Lei Piko Home Visiting Programs

Commit to Keiki – March 2024 Newsletter

We are pleased to unveil Commit to Keiki newest graphic, a visual representation of our three critical priorities: child care and early learning, early childhood mental health, and family violence prevention.

Commit to Keiki – February 2024 Newsletter

Maui Recovery Spotlight – Maui Economic Opportunity (MEO), Early Childhood Services. Q&A with Debbi Amaral, Director of Early Childhood Services

Commit to Keiki – January 2024 Newsletter

Established in 1947, Imua Family Services is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) committed to serving the early childhood developmental needs of children and their families by providing inclusive CARE services and PLAY programs that stimulate curiosity and motivate learning at developmentally appropriate levels.

Commit to Keiki – December 2023 Newsletter

As we approach the end of 2023, Commit to Keiki would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of our state and county leaders and elected officials, partners, and steering committee members who make the work we do possible.

an adult holding a child's hand

Commit to Keiki – November 2023 Newsletter

In the wake of the devastating Maui wildfires, there are many local organizations that have been working tirelessly from day one to ensure that Maui’s youngest keiki and their families receive the support and resources they need. Commit to Keiki’s Maui Recovery Spotlight Series, will highlight the Maui organizations and nonprofits that are truly making a difference.

Quote by Ka'ina Bonacorsi, Maui County Early Childhood Resource coordinator

Commit to Keiki – October 2023 Newsletter

As Maui keiki and families are healing from the collective trauma of the devastating wildfires, many questions still remain.

Commit to Keiki – September 2023 Newsletter

September 2023 Newsletter
spotlights several Maui nonprofits and their efforts to support Maui’s youngest keiki and their families as they recover from the devastating wildfires